LOUISE CAROLINE: une artiste antiboise qui ‘tisse’ sa propre toile
A l’inverse du peintre qui crée à partir de la toile blanche, Louise Caroline s’approprie les vestiges d’un passé industriel dont la texture, la trame, fine ou grossière, les couleurs, les lignes, voire les déchirures, sont autant de coups de pinceaux. Pas de recherche de figuration nette, de formes fixes ou figées chez Louise Caroline. C’est la plasticité du support qui l’attire, l’exploration des possibles qu’il permet. Jouant de l’interaction des formes et des couleurs qui jaillissent de ces étoffes, Louise Caroline ‘tisse’ sa propre toile et nous conte une histoire dont les lettres s’évaporent dans un déluge d’encres colorées, –des gris, noirs, jaunes, mauves, carmins et bleus violents –, mais les phrases, vibrant au rythme des plis et torsions des tissus, enflamment irrésistiblement l’ imagination.
Email : louise.caroline.art@gmail.com
Blog : louise-caroline.weebly.com
Quelques œuvres de Louise-Caroline
Louise Caroline
likes to define herself as a visual artist, but in the yarn she spins there is much more than meets the eye …
Her support medium is no ordinary canvas but an art form in its own right, embodying the triumph of aesthetics over dis-order. She treats ink-saturated cast-off textiles of incandescent colours as ciphers inviting interpretation:
“The music and vibrancy of colours, the gracefulness of shapes combine with changing textures in the material to inflame my imagination, blazing an unending trail of powerful, intimate, and tragically elusive visions. It is a sensory encounter. A mysterious language of signs suddenly becomes intelligible”.
Louise Caroline’s approach is the result of a cross-pollination of art forms with which she has always been enamoured, whether musical, architectural, or pictorial, classical or contemporary. Bringing back to life subjects that lay dormant on these cloths has become an adventure in plasticity, an endeavour to capture the sublimity of chaos, thus plunging into the maelstrom of creation and leaving one painfully aware of the impenetrability of the universe.
Email : louise.caroline.art@gmail.com
Blog : louise-caroline.weebly.com